Sunday, January 10, 2010

For My Dear Banana Girl

I couldn't thank you enough for inspiring me to paint again....

Yesterday evening, after eating a midnight snack (something that I should NOT be doing due to my hyperacidity), I decided to let the time pass by drawing. As I rush upstairs to get me pen tablet (which has moodswings of its own), I silently wished that this time it would work.

I plugged it in, installed the driver and voila! It works! I'm so happy that I immediately started painting. I used the lineart I posted for this painting. :) I've been painting for two hours before I call it a day. I'm so slow....

I hope I can finish this before the tablet start bitching again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I inspired you a little. XD

    I hope your tablet will work well with you. *crosses fingers*
