Saturday, January 9, 2010


I found a short story through the internet one day as I was in search of a story to illustrate - for drawing practice. It was a tale of four sisters - the seasonal sisters.

This is a quick sketch on Autumn. She is characterized by long red hair, freckles the color of a ripe pumpkin, and warm brown eyes. She is an artist who paints the leaves beautiful colors and makes them twirl in the wind.

The image here is just a rough sketch. I will be adding colors as soon as I clean up the line art. ^__^


  1. Ooh. Where's this story? I'd like to read it. XD

    Your rough sketch kinda reminds me of that comic "W.I.T.C.H"(grade school to high school days FTW). I like the rough sketch.

    Can't wait till it's finished. <3

  2. OMG, that was the reference of the pose!! i tried collecting the whole series but some people borrows them and ended up losing them, so i didn't bother. haha.
