Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Love For Me Last February

Seriously, I do think that February absolutely HATED me. Perhaps, it is because I never did like the month.

In February, you start to experience the signs that summer is fast approaching. The chilly winds of December-January bids a sad farewell as you welcome the harsher sun's rays and heated breeze. Soon, I will be frequented by migraines of different levels of pain and all I can think of is how hot it is and how I wanted to stay in a cooler place. (*is starting to miss Dasma*)

Everything went from bad to worse the past month. I ran out of ideas for a digital painting earlier that month. And when I though of something, the computer is acting .. hmmm pretty shitty. ^___^
Now, I have to have a virus scan every couple of hours and restart it if I want to use the internet. (*opens the notepad and saved the text written above*) My monitor is back to its usual darkness making it unsuitable for digital painting. (*sighs*)

Worst of all, there is a cold war here at home between a sibling and me because of hmm... I will not talk about this further. The last time I talked to someone about this, I was treated like shit. (Kahit ganun rin ang ginawa nya ~ Oh the irony. blasted double standard)

February is not THAT BAD I guess. There is one REALLY REALLY GOOD THING that happened : RENT 20FEB2010 1530 first row orchestra side seats. enough said. <3 <3

now.. gotta go and watch the closing program of the vancouver olympics

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