Tuesday, January 5, 2010


trying to start this kind of blog is pretty hard. I wanted so much to post a new artwork everyday but my current status/situation somehow hinders me from doing so. i wanted so much to rant away and put a list of excuses as to why I am not able to put up any of my artwork, but i think that's just lame. instead let mus just post a blurry mp3 camera shot of an unfinished dress design.

it was one of those friday choir practice nights. i was waiting for the other members and started doodling. then, i came up with this color scheme. bearing in mind the color wheel and the complementary colors. as the structure (pardon my lack of knowledge 'fashion/sewing' terms), i was thinking more of the kimono mixed with drapery. hmmm, maybe i was thinking in the line of a mix of the east and west. not really sure about that.

sometimes i think my brain is no longer functioning well. i keep forgetting stuff.

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